Best Slam Balls for Conditioning

A slam ball is a non-bouncing weighted ball designed to help you work out your entire body. Unless you want to annoy your neighbors, this home workout equipment is rather to be used outside your apartment due to its impact. The main underlying benefit of slam ball workouts is gaining explosiveness or explosive endurance mostly through fast and forceful throws against the ground or a wall. Hence this equipment is especially subject to wear and tear.

Also, since the faster you move the more you are prone to injuries, it is crucial to understand the way this training tool can contribute to your home workout. In this post, we have examined the benefits that you would accrue from slam ball training and tips to help you purchase the right type.

For a quick answer, we found that the Rep V2 Slam Ball represents the best value out of all the contenders we reviewed. However, pick any of the rest without regret, they are more than enough for slamming. We made sure to only pick high-quality balls that endure the wear and tear of rigorous conditioning for years to come.

REVIEWS: The Best Slam Balls You Would Consider Buying

Rep V2 Slam Ball

Rep V2 slam ball is available in 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60, and 70 pounds. This variation in weight lets you purchase a slam ball whose weight can give you the resistance you need to achieve your fitness goals.

The slam ball is constructed from an ultra-thick shell that is virtually resistant to the usual wear that results from consistent slamming. The durable construction makes it a good deal for fitness enthusiasts who train on a regular basis. Its grippy textured surface delivers a firm grip even when your hands are wet with sweat.


  • Comes with a one-year warranty for home use and a six-month warranty for commercial use.
  • It has a reinforced air valve.
  • Ideal for heavyweight trainers.
  • Built to withstand thousands of slams.
  • Its low bounce makes it an excellent option for cross-training.


  • It is not the cheapest.

TRX Training – TRX Slamball

TRX training’s slam ball comes in varied weights to let you purchase a ball whose weight makes the most sense for your fitness goals. The available weights are 50, 40, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 8, and 6. The variation makes it an ideal option for athletes of all skill levels.

It is constructed from an ultra-durable rubber shell construction, which absorbs the damaging impact from regular use and abuse to last you for an extended period.

In addition to the durable shell, this slam ball features a rugged textured surface that gives you a firm grip to let you handle and control the slim ball conveniently even when your hands are sweaty. TRX slam ball has a one-year manufacturer warranty


  • Outstanding quality.
  • Reasonably priced.
  • Available in nine different weights to choose from.


A new ball might have an unpleasant odor which should disappear after some time.

j/ Fit Dead Weight Slam Ball

This dead weight slam ball comes in varied weights of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 & 50lbs. The weight variation gives you the freedom to purchase a slam ball whose weight can take your training to the next level. Like its competitors above, this dead weight slam ball is constructed from heavy-duty to absorb the impact generated from regular slamming. In fact, the construction has gone through ten redesigns to match the demanding needs of outdoor and indoor slam ball training.

The slam ball comes in two styles, the treads style with tough tire-like treads and the classic style with a regularly textured surface.


  • It is constructed to last.
  • Suitable for multiple types of exercises.
  • Reasonably priced.


  • Not for those who want a slam ball with more than 50 pounds.
  • The classic style slam ball does not provide a sufficient grip.

Rogue Echo Slam Balls

Rogue Echo’s slam balls are available in 10, 15, 20, 256, 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50 pounds. The weight variation gives you the freedom to purchase a slam ball with an appropriate weight for your fitness goals. This feature makes the slam ball an excellent option for athletes of any skill level.

The Rogue Echo slam ball is constructed from heavyweight rubber that can withstand massive abuse for an extended period. Its surface is textured to provide the grip you need to handle the slam ball.

The slam ball’s two-year warranty lets you return a damaged ball for a replacement. However, the warranty does not cater for slam balls that fail as a result of negligent or faulty use.


  • Rogue Echo slam balls pass through a rigorous testing process before they are released for sale.
  • Affordable.
  • Reasonable warranty.


Not for fitness enthusiasts who want a slam ball with more than 50 pounds.

SPRI Dead Weight Slam Balls

SPRI’s dead weight slam ball comes in 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 40, and 50 pounds to let you purchase one whose weight can take you to the next level of training. Similar to other slam balls in this list, this type is constructed from a thick rubber material that can withstand the damaging impact from slamming for a long time. The rubber has grippy textures that give you a firm grip even with wet hands. Unique from its competitors, this slam ball comes with a bonus exercise guide that walks you through favorite slam ball exercises like overhead front slams, overhead side slams, underhand wall slams, and overhead wall slams. The manual has detailed steps and pictures.


  • Its non-bounce nature makes it a good deal for tossing and slamming.
  • Sand-filled for added weight.


  • Not eligible for returns.
  • Some people complain that their slam ball broke after a few uses.

What Are The Advantages Of Slam Ball Training?

rotational slamball training
Slamballs are particularly good to improve rotational abilities

Slamball training is deemed as one of the safest and cost-effective ways to exercise. The workout incorporates multiple movement patterns that can tone your calves, shoulders, triceps, quads, glutes, back, and other muscles.

Besides toning your core muscles, slam training can improve your athletic performance, and explosiveness, typically through its ballistic benefits. Used for conditioning it is a great tool to increase metabolism, improve physical appearance, and add muscle density. In addition, slam ball training might boost your heart and brain health, as well as help you maintain healthy body weight.

Besides being able to generate max velocity and improve rate of force development— the one advantage that particularly pertain to slamballs is that you can train explosive rotational movements with them. Rotation is not only essential to athletic performance, but sadly a much overlooked aspect of basic human function, and should be maintained and improved just as consciously as other physical skills.

Slam balls come in a variety of weights ranging between 10- 50 pounds to help you scale up your training according to your physical fitness goals.

While slam balls do not fall under the typical home workout tool category, you can take one and go out to your backyard, or a park near you, and you will be amazed just how humbling one simple tool like a heavy ball can be. One thing for sure, if you are short-tempered, stressed out a violent slamball training will definitely smooth things out in the fresh air, and does it in a joint-friendly way.

Basic Slam Ball Workouts

Ideally, there are several slam ball exercises that you can perform using the slamball, and each is intended to work out a specific group of muscles. The most basic workouts that you would want to start with are:

Wall Balls

The wall ball training conditions your glutes, quads, hamstrings, and other muscles on your shoulders and chest. In this training, you stand with your feet apart holding the slam ball, 2- 3 feet away from a wall. While standing in this position, bend your knees and drop your butt at a 90-degree angle.

Then, throw the ball upwards against the wall, and push up your weight to catch it. After grabbing it, drop back to the squat position. I suggest that you start with five sets of 10 repetitions if at all you want to develop the target muscles.

Ball Slams

The ball slam workout boosts your strength and speed by targeting your abdominals, shoulders, quadriceps, upper back muscles, and glutes. To start this workout, I suggest that you stand with your feet shoulder wide apart and holding the ball overhead. Bend your knees slightly, and throw the slam ball to the ground using as much force as possible.

Then, clench your core tightly and try to catch the ball as it bounces back. If the slam ball does not bounce back, keep your core engaged and pick it up. Assume the initial stance, and do three sets of twenty reps.

Slamball Sit-Ups

Slamball sit-ups are intended to tighten your core by toning your abdominals and shoulders. Apart from tightening your core muscles, this slam ball training elevates your heart rate. To start this workout, lie on your back with your knees bent. Make sure that the knees are in contact with the ground.

Hold the ball to your chest, and lift your upper body off the ground while keeping your knees bent, the feet flat on the ground, and your core muscles engaged. Rise to a sitting position and then lie back to the beginning position. You can start with twenty reps.

Further slam ball exercises to draw inspiration from

If you want to emphasize athletic abilities
Explosive slam ball training is especially beneficial for combat athletes

How to Choose the Right Slam Ball?

heavy slam ball to build muscle

While all the slam balls sold in stores come with a promise of durability and efficiency, not all can live up to their promise. On that account, you should be careful when shopping to avoid investing in a slam ball that might disorient you.

But, how would you distinguish the right slam ball from the multiple options offered out there? If this is your concern, then the tips below might help you.

Slam Ball Weight

Weight is the primary decisive factor that you need to take into account when looking for a slam ball that can help you attain your fitness goals. Slam balls come in different weights typically ranging from 10 – 50 pounds. If you are an amateur, I would recommend that you start with a lightweight. However, if you are a pro you can opt for heavier balls that provide enough resistance and difficulty to move you to the next level.

Don’t confuse slam balls with the so-called dead balls, that can weigh even 165 pounds. While they are for slamming too, due to their heaviness it’s rather the explosive strength skill that can be honed with dead balls. This goes beyond this article, so I haven’t included dead balls in the reviews.


If you are looking for a slam ball that can withstand abuse for a long time, then you would want to get one with reasonable shell thickness. Though, this should not be a problem since this is really a standard in this category. The majority of slam balls are made of durable rubber, although you may find ones with PVC shell. So far, rubber has proved to be the heavy-duty go-to material, hence that’s what the best slam balls are made of.


Like any other training, your hands and body might sweat while engaged in intense slam ball workouts. For that reason, I suggest that you shop around for a slam ball with a textured surface that lets you hold the ball comfortably. However, chalk is always a good alternative when hands are sweaty.


The winner of the slamball roundup review is the Rep V2 slam ball. Its available weight ranges from 5 to 70 pounds. Also, it is constructed from an ultra-thick shell that is highly resistant to the damaging impact that could result from consistent slamming. Its textured surface provides the grip you need to handle the ball.

A one year warranty for home use and a six-month warranty for commercial use back it up. The Rep V2 model can really be your trusted partner when it comes to a raging slam ball workout.

Balázs Baki
Balázs Baki

Hi, I'm Balázs, I created this site to serve as a platform to share my home workout experience, in the hope to put you on the right track with the best methods and tools of the trade. I've been working out at home for quite a few years now and without a doubt, turning my living room into a gym was the best investment into my fitness and overall quality of life.