Balázs Baki

Balázs Baki

Hi, I'm Balázs, I created this site to serve as a platform to share my home workout experience, in the hope to put you on the right track with the best methods and tools of the trade. I've been working out at home for quite a few years now and without a doubt, turning my living room into a gym was the best investment into my fitness and overall quality of life.
How often should you change exercise, variety vs. consistency

How Often Should You Change Exercises?

 As always, when it comes to training your body to get stronger, there are no hard and fast rules.Deciding when to change an exercise can be difficult. You may have a well-rounded training plan to stick with, but even…

multi-grip pull up bar used for parallel grip pull ups

Best Multi-Grip Pull Up Bars

When you think of pull-ups, you most likely imagine a straight bar and an overhand shoulder-width grip. While there’s absolutely no problem with this image, truth is, this setup is quite artificial compared to what you find in nature. And…

Beginner in the gym trying to do his first pull up

All About Pull-Ups for Beginners

Pull-ups are one of the most fundamental exercises available. They’re up there with the deadlift, back squat, and bench press. And, as far as bodyweight exercises are concerned, they are one of the best you can do. However, many people…

woman grinding high-intensity workout

10 Minute Fat-Burning Workouts at Home

Fat loss is one of the most common goals for most individuals that hit the gym, but what’s the best way to burn off that extra fat? Many people think that the best way to get rid of extra weight…